Role | Signing starts | Expires | Signers |
root (json) | 2025-01-31 | 2025-03-07 07:44:40 UTC | @jku, @kommendorkapten, @joshuagl, @mnm678 (2 of 4 required) |
timestamp (json) | 2024-12-17 | 2024-12-23 07:22:57 UTC | online key (1 of 1 required) |
snapshot (json) | 2033-08-24 | 2034-08-24 10:56:49 UTC | online key (1 of 1 required) |
targets (json) | 2033-08-24 | 2034-08-24 07:49:10 UTC | @jku, @kommendorkapten, @joshuagl, @mnm678 (1 of 4 required) | (json) | 2033-08-24 | 2034-08-24 07:55:30 UTC | online key (1 of 1 required) |
Generated 2024-12-16T07:23+00:00 from root-signing-staging commit c132894 by TUF-on-CI v0.14.0.